"You seem like the type, to love em' and leave em', and disappear right after the song"
![]() ![]() ![]() Er hi(: I attend Crescent Girls' School class 2G2'2010 and am from Crescent Girls' School Symphonic Band.(CGSSB) ♥. I'm currently playing the saxophone and it's fun hahaha(: I'm usually spending quality time with my computer(at night!) and I love QIFA 6Beans, 2G2, and Band. ♥♥♥ Erm I think I'm quite weird. ![]() |
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Friday, July 31, 2009 HI SAME OLD STUFF AT SCHOOL EXECPT THAT MISS SIM SAID STUFF THAT IMPLIED THAT SOME OF US WHO WATCH ANIME IN THE MORNING CAUSED THE WHOLE G2 TO NOT BE ABLE TO USE TPC IN THE MORNING. Well whatever. WE HAD MASS DANCE in the morning omg so funny! It was a Hannah Montanna dance which is to Hannah Montannah's music. ZIG ZAG! blahblahblah! whatever. I was strangely enthusiastic with the jumping and waving of hands! :D yay me HAHAHAH LOL. Well at least the dance is better than FITT run yeah. Then we had normal lessons. After school, I had to meet Mr Tan for Math test while Leah waited for Olivia to finish her higher chinese first. Then we took 111 to 2 stops after commonwealth. So 147 came and we took it. Leah went in first then Olivia then me so when we were about to go up the bus moved alr and Leah purposely walked up the stairs SLOWLY to SLOW us down and we kept asking her not to walk so SLOWLY but in half way upstairs she started to laugh and laugh and laugh and walk up even SLOWER. So when she managed to reach the top she was laughing so hard one of her legs was kneeling on the top and the other standing on the steps which made her look like a total retard. In the end the stairs went "BEEP BEEP BEEP" cause we were too SLOW and we stayed on the steps for too long and Leah is a retard. Then we went to Olivia's house which is at clementi as well! :D We were supposed to do our NEWSMAKER project but seriously we didn't do much and we ended up spending our last 1 hour there playing CLUEDO!:D HAHAHHAH DONT ASK WHY THERE'S A MAHJONG TABLE THERE. Okay bye. Wednesday, July 29, 2009 HIYA PEOPLE! :D last day of mc alr! Not going for band though - I've got 7 days mc for CCA :/ I started reading OuranHSHC last night! Currently at Chapter 42. AND WHY ISN'T CHAPTER 40 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 Sheeeesh! I've not completed Friday's homework ._. which is? Math & Art. Math left one more question which has 6 stupid sub questions -.- Actually also have the comm arts paper but BLAH nevermind. I dont think cher' really bothers -.- I WANNA GO OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT! Monday, July 27, 2009 EVERYTIME I EDIT MY TEMPLATE IT GOES KABOOM SO I'M TOO LAZY TO DEAL WITH LINKS/ANIMANGA/OTHER STUFF. But I'll do them one day! 2.35pm. HI OMG I'M POSTING AND CURRENTLY ON 3 DAYS MC HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH I ROCK. These are pictures taken @ cine on Friday with gladys! (The rest were watching harry potter) The both of us went to KFC for half an hour, took neos twice for an hour, and played@arcade with 40 bucks in HER card for 2 hours. :D ![]() ![]() There's more to where these came from but ANYWAY. OH LOOK! IT'S DEATH THE KID! HAHAHHAHAHHAHHAAHHAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Not. Gladys holding 2 arcade guns LIKE death the kid. LALALA -12pm. Wednesday, July 22, 2009 There's chinese test tomorrow and I've been studying my yan yu but not my cheng yu! O: O: O: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz IDC! Stupid Wenhao doesn't think before he says anything and thus he hurts other people's feelings but he doesn't care. !@#$%^&*() Monday, July 20, 2009 In CME lesson now. SO BORING MAN. Just now during math lesson Natalie was super high. Later have Chinese Oral and Band prac. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Friday, July 17, 2009 Went to plazasing after school to watch harry potter lo. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Started watching Soul Eater. So cool :D Oh, bought Vol 1&4 of KWMS @ plaza too. BWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH POSTERS~! Thursday, July 16, 2009 HELLLLLLO I'VE NOT POSTED FOR SO LONG SO I'M BACK! :D TODAY WE HAD PBL POWERPOINT ASSESSMENT SO FROM 8AM TO 12PM WE STAYED IN AN AIRCONDITIONED ROOM AND WE HAD TO PRESENT. HALFWAY THROUGH OUR PRESENTATION HANNAH'S COMP RESTARTED CUZ OF THE AUTO WINDOWS UPDATES SO WE HAD TO RESTART THE WHOLE PRESENTATION WHICH IS STUPID :D Yesterday we took a whole big bunch of webcam photos during the 3 free Home ec periods. We sat in a circle behind - Celine, Nat, Leah, Emmy&I. Took 4573405 photos .___. On facebook uh. TOOK SO LONG TO UPLOAD AND TAG. We also played truth or dare and once, for my dare I had to hop around the class like a chicken going " chirp? " Or "park" which sounds like a chicken.(?) And Leah had to run around the class like a retard waving her hands going "vroooooom" ![]() My other dare ._. It shows : "ugly" :D With a Nice guy pose! :D ![]() Oh and I like this pic the most. :D Stayed back today to do racial harmony decorations & had some minor conflict with 1S2. .___. Watching Harry potter tmr! :D Friday, July 10, 2009 Omg man. Finally&Suddenly we can use msn in school. HHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. We had art just now, and we were supposed to draw a contour drawing of a friend. So I drew leah and leah drew me and eew. HAHAHAHAHAHAH SERIOUSLY MAN. And we we weren't supposed to let the marker leave the paper. Which means, must draw continuously. HHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH. Maybe I'll post the picture of it later :/ Going Gladys's house later, I think. For PBL. :D Thursday, July 9, 2009 IM BACK. :D Since Natalietayyyy is so in ♥♥♥ with this song, (thanks to me) I shall post this. For fun. :D Perhaps Love - Howl&J HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHHIHIHIHI. I'm in science class now and Mr SebastianGoh isn't here so it's free period:D Stole a battery from Leah. Currently reading Koko Ni Iru Yo :D Natalie is forcing me to thank her but I will anyway. SANKYU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHHHAHAHAHAH -.- Now my butt hurts cuz' Celine's sharing a seat with me and she's reading Naruto. Monday, July 6, 2009 Im pretty pissed off now ( due to some reason ) so I'm listening to Perhaps Love - Howl&J from Goong 궁 to SOOTH MY SOUL. -Rants. Hell yeah! Plaza Sing/Bugis today. Firstly we went to plaza cuz we wanted to go bunking but in the end the PC bunk there closed down -.- So we went to bugis to take neoprints first. GLADYS ME & CELINE! <3. Celine who's ultra big and Gladys&me. There were major lots of people since it's youth day holiday -.- Well anyway. Then we went shopping@bugis street. After that, we went to VIRTUAL LAND ( Or virtualand? Or virtualland? LOL. ) And went to Lan shop .____. Gladys has major problems la. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH. We were @ comp number 54 and 55 while 54 is at the sideside. @56 sat another guy. So I sat down at number 54 and gladys stood behind me and kept asking and forcing me to sit at 55. HAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHHAH SHE SO FUNNY LA -.- Anyway. Auditioned for 1 hour. Then bought bubble tea and Mrt-ed back with gladys. :D Celine stayed back w/ her sisters&friends. Heheh. Bought Goong DVD today for 10 bucks @ CityVibe .___. Rewatching! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Sunday, July 5, 2009 KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I just finished Chapter 39 of Kaichou wa maid sama in chinese. Natalie saw it too but she didn't read it. She saw the pics only. HAHAHHAAHAHAH. Anyway. OMG!(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) That chapter is really sweet. ![]() Cover of the chapter, where my fangirling starts. ![]() Oh so this pic of USUI made me spam my conversation w/ Natalie w/ KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHs. I seriously adore Usui w/ lollipops. :D ![]() When I saw this page, I held my breath and kept hitting my pillow. Like SERIOUSLY O: SO SWEEEEEEEET~ Oh notice that Usui gave her his lollipop (: Heheh. Yet another interesting chapter. Sorry Gladys if you saw this before reading it. Credits go here. Bye loves. Out on Monday w/ Celine&friends. Drag me to hell/Ice age 3/Transformers. Friday, July 3, 2009
*Ruiying is in history class and Mr Tham is pretty nice. Had quite alot of free time today o_o Science; relief teacher came in. EEE ): Other than that, I hope assgee doesn't come back to school. Had sort of a public speaking just now during Comm Arts. Ahhhh! I'm lucky ; I was one of the last.. ten? ._. Anyway. When I finished and went back to my seat my face was hot. HAHAHAHAHAHH DUH. Who won't be paiseh ._____. Standing in front; so silent; everyone staring at you -.- Oh well~ YAY 3 DAY HOLIDAY! Thursday, July 2, 2009 Hi. I'm having a backache now while waiting for FMA to load :D Leah forces me to post. & now she's blabbering some shit. Later have comm arts, must do sth like public speaking ._____. eeeeeeeeeeeee! |