"You seem like the type, to love em' and leave em', and disappear right after the song"
![]() ![]() ![]() Er hi(: I attend Crescent Girls' School class 2G2'2010 and am from Crescent Girls' School Symphonic Band.(CGSSB) ♥. I'm currently playing the saxophone and it's fun hahaha(: I'm usually spending quality time with my computer(at night!) and I love QIFA 6Beans, 2G2, and Band. ♥♥♥ Erm I think I'm quite weird. ![]() |
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Saturday, November 28, 2009 ![]() You're Beautiful Finished watching it last night ;/ AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AWESOMENESS!!! What's better than a drama with ROMANCE+GENDER BENDER+REVERSE HAREM+AWESOME SONGS+3 HOT GUYS??? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA, and the ending is awesome too, unlike some dramas with ridiculous,unsatisfying endings. HAHHAHHHAHAAHHAHAHA. AND ALL THEIR ACTING'S AWESOME AS WELL :D I love TK in there, especially when he does his special pout and when he ties his hair HAHAHAHAHA AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. @2:36PM "we run, we don't blow"
Wednesday, November 25, 2009 Back from band camp! (: I kinda miss it alr, ahhahahahaa. Brief overview: Monday- Morning/afternoon normal band prac. after dinner the seniors and some sec1s had alumni practice until 9.30pm so the other sec1s who were staying overnight(THE NUMBER WAS SO PATHETIC) were singing christmas songs. SUCHA HOMEY FEELING(: We got to bathe first and THE FLOOR IS TOO SLIPPERY FOR YOUR OWN GOOD. Then we went up to the hall to set our sleeping mats and camped there until the seniors came up WHICH WAS ABOUT 10.30pm? And the netballers were pissed off for some reason I shall not elaborate on lol(: Alex went around shushing us and telling us to sleep but everyone was talking and texting and yunwe and I were eating bread. LOL. Tuesday- Morning/afternoon normal band prac. After dinner, we watched The Proposal. IT'S FUNNY HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHA. Then at 9 everyone went to bathe. At 10.30 we watched P.S. I love you but I think it was kinda stupid. IT WAS COLD IN THE BANDROOM HAHAHHA. We watched until 12am, then the aircon was turned off and we went to sleep. THE FLOOR SO HARD. I WOKE UP AT 5AM AND PEOPLE WERE SNORING AND MY BACK WAS ACHING LMAO. Wednesday- Morning/afternoon normal band prac. The school is really nice at night(: Oh yeah I forgot something. Happy birthday Cheryl! :D I really hope you screwed up at -youknowwhat- (: (Unlike Natalie, don't think sick.) glomp*
Sunday, November 22, 2009 Day 2 AWESOMENESS! :D First I went to fetch Gladys to suntec and we met Celine there, then we went up and queued to buy tickets. Hahahaha then we immediately rushed in and went to the back corner of the exhibition hall where they were selling some fanart merchandise. And I bought this: KHR badges! :D I bought the Tsuna(LAST PIECE SIAL) one for myself and the Hibari one for natalieTAYJIAYIN(: Then we walked around the exhibition hall... and then went downstairs but it was still early so there weren't many cosplayers yet O: So we hung around... and hung around... until there were MORE cosplayers :D After taking some pictures we went back into the exhibition hall and went to Moe Moe Kyun maid cafe(: hehhehehee so cute! IT WAS EXPENSIVE THOUGH. I ordered omelette rice(: Okay after that we totally stayed downstairs to stalk cosplayers. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. I'll post some of the nicer pictures that I like(: The rest are on facebook thanks to Celine and Gladys. ![]() Whoops sorry Celine(: HAHAHAHA ![]() This was hilarious. We heard him say "I feel so exposed!" so in the end we called him EG(exposed guy) cause we didn't really know him. Brera? o_o But his body WAS SO THIN AND SEXY AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. ![]() AMUTO!!!! I really liked the Ikuto cosplay haahahahahaha. ![]() This was so adorable cause Zero imitated what the small lil girl was doing(: Ok so apparently Gladys's audition friend was gonna attend AFA and his friend was cosplaying as Renamon from Digimon so yeeeeeeeeah, they were communicating and stuff like that. Gladys didn't know how he looked like but we guessed it out anyway. When we were near them, Celine was like "GLADYS!" so that her audition friend will hear la, HAHAHAHAHHA SHE'S SO HILARIOUS. Anyway in the end we met up with them and got a picture hahahahhahahaahhahaa ![]() MY FAVOURITE PICTURE OF THE DAY! Celine,Renamon,Me >D HE WAS SO FURRY ![]() DROCELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FINALLY SEE SOMEONE COSPLAY DROCELL! OMG IT WAS SO AWESOME. AHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAH <3 Ok next is the climax. HAHAHAHAHAHA ![]() KHR ARCOBALENO! (((((((((((((: SO AWESOME HAHAHAHHA. We saw them again downstairs so we went to get pictures with/of them -WITH SOOOO MUCH HESITATION- and we finally did 8D ![]() Colo,Verde,Skull ![]() >DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Later, Victoria got us to take a picture of her hugging Skull, and after that SKULL ASKED HER TO SEND HER THE PICTURES! >D So in the end we got skull's facebook/msn address. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAH OMG SHE WAS SO NICE (: THEN VICTORIA ASKED FOR COLO/SKULL YAOI. AND WHEN COLO HEARD IT HE WAS LIKE "YAOI??!?!" HAHAHHAHAHAHHA. Then he said he didn't know what to do, HAHAHAH. So became like this: ![]() HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Then -apparently- fong came in and asked what they were doing and colo said "yaoi" and then fong walked away HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Then gladys asked colo to pin skull onto the wall. AND HAHAHAAHHAA COLO WAS LIKE "What? Need to check your IC! You girls ah, underage, do this kind of stuff" HHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA SO FUNNY. So in the end he didn't want to and reborn came in HAHAHA. ![]() HHHAHAHAHAHHAHA (: Ok after that we went back up into the exhibition hall for the last time and went back down to say bye to the arco cosplayers(: We chatted with Skull for awhile and stuff. Then colo came in and victoria hugged him HAHAHAHAHAHA. Glomp. Okay then said bye and took MRT home(: -- Having band camp @ school until wednesday. I HAVING SORETHROAT NYAH, WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE SORETHROAT -.- Shall blog again on wednesday ya. :D Byebi(: @1:10AM EYE CONTACT
Friday, November 20, 2009 Yesterday: Omggggggggggggggggggg BAND WAS SO FUN LOL. Although the hours were long. BUT OH WELL. Yesterday was such a happy day. 1: Claire too came back from the repairman(: I should've came for band on monday! cause the other sec ones got their band uni(s) on monday ): SO INSTEAD I GOT SIZE L FOR MY SKIRT CAUSE THAT WAS THE ONLY SIZE LEFT AND I ABSOLUTELY DISLIKE L CAUSE IT'S VERY LONG LMAO. Oh well(: ![]() Kimi ni todoke Ep 7. Credits here. Watched Kimi Ni Todoke eps 6&7, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so wonderful(: Sawako&Kazehaya are so adorable hahahhaahah. I kept smiling to myself, seriously. @12:30AM pop goes the weasel
Sunday, November 15, 2009 SEASONAL FLU JABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB, psht. Quite pain O: Anyway I was at taka for lunch and I saw something really interesting. Going Merry???????????????????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA It's a DIY model thing. I wanted to buy it but I couldn't find it so oh well. I think I wouldn't do a good job out of it anyway. (: HAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHA. quack.
![]() 花沢 類 Had band yesterday, so tired! O: Claire too isn't back from the repairman, hahahahahahahaha don't ask. I think Oguri Shun is better than kim hyun joong at acting the role of rui/ji hoo :X HAHAAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA oh well that's my opinion. Matsu jun too (Y) Taking flu jab tomorrow. ( -_____- ) @1:58AM Friday, November 13, 2009 ANDY BROKE HIS VOICE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I COULDN'T EVEN RECOGNISE HIS VOICE WHEN HE CALLED HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. Omg it changed sooooooooooooo much O< Gladys just now 吃饱没事做, keep showing me my sydney pictures taken earlier this year -.- CRAZY LMAO. Errrrrrrr, I'm gonna start watching Boys over flowers(korean) and compare it to the japanese one HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. @11:50PM PI-CHAN
![]() YamaPi! >D From Nobuta Wo Produce. 可愛い :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Have not been blogging lately O: Trying to chiong my drama, hahahhahahahahahhahaha. I don't care, Natalie(t) is gonna watch HYD/HYD2 soon(8 Had band yesterday, having band later, having band tomorrow. lmao. It was raining yesterday when we were let off so we got abit wet but not as bad as the other time. And Yunwe was using a really cute pink umbrella with some cute designs and it's abit frilly HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Maybe going HwaChong band concert o-o @3.00AM THE ALMIGHTY ME
Friday, November 6, 2009 LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Waiting for my HYD2 vid to load O: Fyi it's hana yori dango season 2 which is the japanese version of BOF. Heheheheheheheheheheeheh Hanazawa Rui! :DDDD HIS NAME SO AWESOME RIGHT. CAUSE IT'S A "RUI" HAHAAH OK -.- Band today(whoops I mean yesterday) was good (: learnt 2 new songs for musical evening :D P.S. THE TIME NOW IS 3:27AM HAHAHA Macs+other fried food = SORETHROAT
Wednesday, November 4, 2009 THIS is something I randomly just made using photoshop/photoscape cause I'M BORED. I think it's quite irritating to the eyes but HAHA OH WELL. Went to far east to cut hair today O: And I got my blue contact lenses already. Prolly not cos-ing for AFA, since Gladys and I've not gotten our wigs and for me the red contacts as well o-o Well I think it's okay to cosplay @ EOY too(: SORETHROAT. ♪ - HEAVEN by Janne Da Arc NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Monday, November 2, 2009 Back from band prac(: KWMS Chapter 43 was out this eeeeeeearly morning, and it's so awesome! (Y) Well it came out earlier than usual :D Heheh/I can imagine Usui saying 'Maria' in english. SO SEXY >D I shall continue with One Piece after finishing ProDai :D Why oh why, NatalieTJY? ♪ - My SunShine by ROCK'A'TRENCH N FOR NOVEMBER.
Sunday, November 1, 2009 ZOMG IT'S NOVEMBER YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS???????????????? MAH BIRTHDAY MONTH HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA LMAO. P.S. Rachelchua uploaded the advertisement videos! :D but only 2 so far, yayyyyyyyyyyy hahahaa. And I mean on facebook. :D HALLELUJAH CHANCE
REWATCHING PROPOSAL DAISAKUSEN(; YAMAPI:D Yesterday; CLEAN AND GREEN WAS A BLAST. SHERIOUSHLY LMAO. The cleaning part was okay. Leah was so blur she kept stoning. Well we finished cleaning at 9am but we could only leave at 10am so we stayed in class until 10am (: BUT OUT OF THE 20 PEOPLE WHO WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THERE ONLY LESS THAN 10 WERE LEFT CAUSE THE REST LEFT EARLIER -.- Well. We started swaveboarding in class HAHAHAHHA. BOOM BANG BUNG. Then we started taking videos with Rachelchua's camera :D WE WERE TAKING ADVERTISEMENT IMITATIONS (: HAHAHAHAHAH LMAO OKAY. Advertisement 1: MR MUSCLE! Olivia was like wiping wiping the table. Then she said "MR MUSCLE! 救救我啊!" Then crystal jumped in and said "我来了!" Then she sprayed the table with MR MUSCLE and then olivia wiped it and went "er..then what ah? WOAH!!!! 好清洁阿!" OMG LMFAO. yaya. Advertisement 2: TEFAL! THIS WAS SO FREAKING FUNNY AHHHHAHHAHAHAHAHA. Y'know, the advertisement where there are people in the gym, they show people working out and there was someone working out using an iron. HAHAHAHHA well in this case we used a cloth. So rachel started shooting from Gladys carrying a chair up and down. Then to Crystal showing her muscles and carrying the dustbin. Then to me doing AIR PULL UPS LOL. Then to WIPING A TABLE WITH THE CLOTH SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPER HARD THE TABLE ALMOST TOPPLED A FEW TIMES OMGGGGGGGGGG SHE WAS SO FUNNY HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAAHAHA. Then she walked towards the camera and said "USE A BETTER/SMOOTHER CLOTH! TEFAL!" blahblah. HAHAHA. Advertisement 3: TIGER BEER! The one in which two people are arm wrestling and then they keep changing the people hahahahahhahaha. Okay I can't remember our sequence but it was epic failure HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA. IT'S LIKE WHEN IT'S TIME TO CHANGE PEOPLE RACHEL WILL COVER THE CAMERA LENSES AND WE'LL QUICKLY CHANGE HAHAHAHHHHAHA. Oh well. YAYYYYYY THIS IS THE MOST AWESOME PART OF ALLLLLLLLLLLLL! Advertisement 4: CADBURY! Crystal and Leah sat side to side and USED THEIR FINGERS TO MOVE THEIR EYEBROWS CRAZILY AHHAHAHAHAHAH. GLADYS DO BACKGROUND MUSIC HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LMAO. Hmmmmmm, all the vids with Rachelchua (; Okay thats the end for clean and green (; At night I went to NightSafari for The Return of Halloween terrors or something BUT IT WAS TOTAL FAILURE CAUSE IT RAINED. ONLY NORMAL TRAM WITH NORMAL ANIMALS. SUCKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY but oh well (; I shall be nice, LALALALLALALALALA WHERE YOU LOOKING OLIVIA? SOME HOT GUY? HAHAHAHA Blogger is super slow so I'm lazy to upload the rest -.- I FEEL LIKE DYING AFTER THAT ULTRA LONG POST. P.S. HANA TO AKUMA CHAPTER 39!!!!!!!!!! IS AWESOME <3. |